Coelogyne parentage map

Visualize the frequency with which all Coelogyne orchids are used in creating new hybrids.
Coelogyne is a genus of 594 species, which are sympodial epiphytes from the family Orchidaceae, distributed across India, China, Indonesia and the Fiji islands, with the main centers in Borneo, Sumatra and the Himalayas. They can be found from tropical lowland forests to montane rainforests. A few species grow as terrestrials or even as lithophytes in open, humid habitats. The genera Bolborchis Lindl., Hologyne Pfitzer and Ptychogyne Pfitzer are generally included here. The genus is abbreviated Coel. in trade journals.
Visualize the frequency with which all Coelogyne orchids are used in creating new hybrids.